Sunday, February 22, 2009

36 Week Update

When we went to the doctor last week I was happy to find out the baby had flipped and was now head down. It was a quick appointment, so there really isn't anymore news than that. My next appointment is next Tuesday, so hopefully I will have more information on how I am progressing then.

The last couple of weeks have been pretty busy. My boss had a baby shower for me at work last week and today was my baby shower on Barry's side of the family. I did get all the things from my work shower put away, but our living room is full of all the gifts from the shower today. I am hoping to get everything put away this week and thank yous done before the shower for my side of the family next weekend. This is my last week at work (Yeah!!) so hopefully I will get everything done as planned, but if not I guess I won't have much going on next week. Unless the baby decides to make an early appearance.

I think I have gotten a lot bigger in the last couple of weeks and many people have agreed with me, so see what you think.

36 Weeks

34 Weeks

I can't tell you how many times a day people ask what we are naming our little girl. Some people ask once and then let it go. Other people ask repeatedly and some try to trick us into telling them, but the answer is always the same. You will find out when she is born. Even though we would like to keep the name a secret Barry wants to give you a hint, but even if you guess the name we won't tell you if you are right. Here are how many letters are in her name, so if you want to drive yourself nuts and try to guess feel free.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

6 more Weeks of Peace (give or take a little)

So here it is. With only 6 more weeks until my due date I figured I better get my blog up and running. I have had many requests from my family to start a blog and I have put them off until now. I wasn't going to do one, since we live close to the majority of our family and frankly my writing skills are not the best. But I decided since Barry has family in Florida and my brother lives in Kentucky, it would be a good idea to have a blog to keep them up to date. Also, I know how much I enjoy going on my brothers blogs and seeing new pictures of my beautiful nieces. Soon this blog will be filled with pictures of our beautiful baby girl!!!

Here are some updates:

* I am currently 34 weeks pregnant, which means I only have 6 short weeks before my due date (March 22, 2009). I will officially become a stay at home mom in only 3 weeks. The company I work for is closing their doors, so we have decided for the time being I will stay at home with the baby. I am very excited to be able to stay at home, but Barry on the other hand is a little iffy about the whole thing. Some days he is excited and other days he is a little concerned that on his days off he won't be able to sit on the couch all day and be lazy. I am not sure if he understands that when the baby comes, his days of long naps on the couch are probably over.

* We have completely remodeled are home in the last couple of months, so things around here have been very busy. We are in the final stages now and only have a few minor things to complete. The nursery is pretty much finished, but I have a few things left to do. I will post pictures soon.

* Below I am posting all of the belly pictures I have taken so far, starting with 9 weeks and ending with today's picture at 34 weeks. So far this pregnancy I have gained about 32 pounds and feel great. It is starting to get a little harder to breathe and bend down to tie my shoes, but I really have no complaints. I have been very fortunate to feel good throughout the last 34 weeks.

9 Weeks

16 weeks

21 Weeks

24 Weeks

28 Weeks
No it is not the same picture as the 24 week shot
I just happen to be wearing the exact same thing.

32 Weeks

34 Weeks