Addie had her one month appointment on Tuesday, which technically was one day shy of 5 weeks. She weighed in at 10lbs. 14oz and 22 1/2 inches long, which means since birth she has gained 2lbs. 1 oz and has grown 2 1/2 inches.
She is starting to interact more with her toys and is smiling more and more everyday. Since it has rained non stop lately Barry has been home more than usual. It has been nice to have him home, but unfortunately once it starts to dry up he will be spending most of his time in the fields.
Barry will be working his first double shift since Addie was born, so I am sure we will be visiting the fire Station a few times in the next couple of days. What will we do with no Daddy for 48 hours?
Sleeping update: We have finally managed to get Addie to sleep in her crib. Sometimes I have to get up every couple of hours, but since I had slept on the couch for a month, 2 hours in bed is wonderful.
We went on our first shopping trip last weekend! Okay so I don't know if you can call it a shopping trip, but we got some cool things at the Earlville Town Wide garage sales. I got some cute new outfits for Addie and some still had the tags on them.