This past Sunday Adelynn was Baptized at the Earlville Presbyterian church. She slept most of the service and woke up right before it was time for us to go up front. She whimpered a few times when Paster Del was holding her, but overall she was a very good little girl. I was just glad that she waited until we got back to our seat before she ripped one. I can't believe the noises that come out of such a little girl. Barry was hoping she would do it in the Pastors microphone, but she was polite enough to hold it in until we got back to our seat.
Brent, Cathy, and Kayla were in town this weekend, so we got our first pictures of the 3 girls together.
Addie wearing the dress I wore when I was Baptized

All the girls playing together

On Mother's Day I gave into Barry and bought a paddle boat for my Grandparents pond. I have wanted one for serveral years now and every once in a while would look on Craigslist and ebay for one. I never really found a nice one for a good price, so we ended up buying it new from Farm and Fleet. Barry and I went on the first ride on Mother's Day. Not only is it fun, man is it a work out. My legs were tired after one trip around the pond. On Sunday Brent and Barry took Kayla for a ride. I am not sure if she enjoyed her ride or not. She had a very concerned look on her face for most of the ride. If I was on a boat with Brent and Barry I would be a little concerned too.