I am happy to report that two times this week Addie slept 7 to 8 hours straight. Yeah!!!!
I can't believe how much she has changed not only in the last month, but since I last posted. She is now consistently rolling over from her stomach to her back and from her back to her stomach. It isn't a random thing she does anymore. If she is on the floor or in her crib she is rolling back and forth. She is talking a lot more now also and loves to look in the mirror and talk to herself.
Video of her rolling over.
We have been doing some traveling to see some family and friends we haven't seen in awhile.
Andrew sharing his book with Addie
We are really looking forward to this weekend. Not only is Megan's getting married, but we will also get to see Zoe for the first time.
Can I have some toys please?
Barry has finally been released from the doctor! Basically his ankle has a lot of scar tissue from the uncountable amount of times he has sprained his ankle in the past. They are doing therapy and someday he will probably need surgery on it.