Below are a few pictures of Addie after Megan's wedding. I am hoping to get more pics and video on here soon, but since I didn't take any myself I have to work on getting them from some other family members.
The wedding was beautiful and everyone had a great time. Addie got lots of attention! Imagine that....

Barry finally went back to work today. His first day back since July 8th. Now I have a spoiled little girl at home who wants to be held or talked to at all times. Needless to say I am not getting much packing done today for our trip. Another 10 days away from the house with Dad and Grandma are probably not going to help with the spoiling issue.

Addie doesn't really know what to think of her cereal. I can get her to eat some, but I don't think she is to thrilled about. I am sure that will change, but for now we are taking things slow.
First day of Cereal

All the girls (Kennedy, Zoe, Addie, Kayla)