Monday, July 27, 2009

4 Months Old

Saturday Addie turned 4 months old and today we had her 4 month doctors appointment. She is now 16 lbs 4 oz and 26 inches long. The doctor gave us the go ahead to start giving her cereal. I will have an update soon about how that goes.

I am happy to report that two times this week Addie slept 7 to 8 hours straight. Yeah!!!!

I can't believe how much she has changed not only in the last month, but since I last posted. She is now consistently rolling over from her stomach to her back and from her back to her stomach. It isn't a random thing she does anymore. If she is on the floor or in her crib she is rolling back and forth. She is talking a lot more now also and loves to look in the mirror and talk to herself.

Video of her rolling over.

We have been doing some traveling to see some family and friends we haven't seen in awhile.

Chillin at Uncle Bob and Aunt Bernice's
Andrew sharing his book with Addie

We are really looking forward to this weekend. Not only is Megan's getting married, but we will also get to see Zoe for the first time.

Can I have some toys please?

Barry has finally been released from the doctor! Basically his ankle has a lot of scar tissue from the uncountable amount of times he has sprained his ankle in the past. They are doing therapy and someday he will probably need surgery on it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Barry is still off of work for his ankle and will be until atleast Monday. He goes in for an MRI today, so we should know just how bad things are after that. Hopefully he doesn't get to comfortable with this stay at home Daddy thing.

Sleeping update: Addie has been sleeping the majority of the night in her crib now and sometimes even at nap time. Unfortunately she still wakes up several times a night, but I am hoping that improves when we start giving her cereal. I imagine the pediatrician will give us the go a head at her 4 month appointment, but we will see.

In the last couple of weeks she has started to take a pacifier. Thank god! Not that I really wanted to push one on her, but when she started to suck on her thumb I was concerned. If you knew me when I was little you would completely understand. Lets just put it this way... I was working on multiplication problems in school before I finally stopped sucking my thumb. I don't want to go through what my parents had to go through to get me to stop. I am hoping it will be easier to take away her paci than it would be her thumb.

On Sunday we went to See Ryan, Brooke, and Kennedy. We were hoping to swim in their new pool, but it was to cold.

Whatever Addie would do Kennedy had to show
us that she could do the same thing.

Talking to her toy.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am starting to get complaints that I haven't posted in awhile. Sorry! Barry has been off of work for the last week due to an ankle injury, so I have been taking advantage of having him home to entertain Addie while I run errands and get things on my to do list completed.

Last Saturday I took Addie to her first demolition derby, which was just down the road at the 4-H fair. She loved it! I think the louder it got the more she liked it. When the derby was over we walked in some of the barns to look at the animals. At this point she was exhausted, but was content just looking around at everything.

Not much going on this week, but after that we will be busy with Megan's wedding, Kennedy's 1st Birthday and Vacation. We leave for Oregon in less than 3 weeks!

Being tickled by Aunt Megan

Look at all those rolls

"Okay I am sitting at the table like a big girl now give me some big girl food!"

Addie & Ellah (Johnnice's Little girl)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Congratulations Brent and Cathy!!!

Baby Zoe was born 7-7-09 at 5:38 pm and was 9 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long.

My Beautiful Niece:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sorry I don't have any 4th of July pictures. Addie wasn't able to wear her new outfit I bought her because it was to cold outside. She was also very tired at the party, so she wasn't really in the mood to get any pictures taken. No fireworks for her this year..... Maybe next year.

Enjoy the other pictures and video I took.....

Thank God pictures are done...I'm tired of smiling.

Daddy's way of doing laundry

I put her in the bumbo and popped in Baby Einstein and all
she wanted to do was stare at the toys on the floor.

Finally I got her to watch her show

New favorite toy!!! The first day I put her in her new exersaucer she just looked around at all the colorful toys. When I thought she had had enough I tried to take her out and she threw a fit. Apparently she likes her new toy.

Today Addie and I were going to walk to the Fire Station to see Barry, so I put on her "My Daddy is a fire fighter" shirt. I thought maybe we could get her first pictures on the fire truck, but right before we were going to leave she pooped out her diaper all over her shirt.
I guess we will have to get pictures another day.

All the fun toys to play with and what does she like best? The tag.....