Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Whenever Addie sees my camera she instantly smiles and says cheese, so I was super excited about getting our family Christmas pictures taken.  I made an appointment with the portrait studio and was all prepared for the event. Unfortunately Addie wanted nothing to do with getting her picture taken that day.  We are going to try again Monday to see if she will cooperate, but if not we may have to settle with a crying Addie in our family picture this year.  

Cheese Pictures

 Helping decorate the Christmas Tree.  
(We are having family over Friday for the festival of lights, so we set it up a little early.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

1st Hair Cut

I finally gave in and had Addie's hair cut.  I tried to keep the hair out of her eyes with bows and pig tails, but she would always end up pulling them out .  I am so glad I gave in because it turned out really cute.

Below is a picture of me at 4 1/2 years old and I had not had a hair cut yet.  Addie received her first hair cut at 19 months. 

                Me                                                  Addie    


Monday, November 1, 2010


Saturday we went trick or treating at the down town Ottawa businesses.  Addie had so much fun watching the other kids and loved getting candy.  I was shocked and extremely happy that she left her costume on the whole time. 

Yummy candy!

Sunday we went to Earlville to trick or treat.  Since we are related to half the town we had lots of houses to stop at!  Addie is so spoiled we ended up with bags of candy, treats and gifts.  She had her costume on for over 5 hours and I had a hard time getting her to take it off.

1st stop G&G Hindle's

4th house and on her second bucket full!

Yay underwear!

Addie & Cayle enjoying their suckers

We had an amazing Halloween!  I am so glad Barry decided to take the day off.  Hopefully everyone had as much fun as we did!