Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Playroom Mural

Before we moved into our new house I spent a lot of time looking online something fun to put on the walls of the playroom.  It is a main room in the house so I wanted it to be fun, but not clash with the rest of my decor.  So I finally decided I was going to paint a mural.  What was I thinking?  I almost gave up before I was even done tracing the outline on the wall.  Transferring the pattern on the wall alone took many hours, but I decided to stick with it.  Finally after many hours spent painting during nap time and bedtime, the mural is complete.

Helping move furniture out of the way for the picture.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Potty play time

One day last week I decided to put in a potty time DVD for Addie to watch.  In the movie they said to let your child play with the potty so they get comfortable with it.   I decided to give it a try. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I love this age!  Although I think Addie gave me a preview of her terrible twos yesterday she has been so much fun.  She makes me smile more and more everyday.

She is a natural when it comes to heels.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Beach Fun

Addie has always loved the water, but lately her favorite thing is to play in the sand.  When we go swimming she prefers to spend the majority of the time on the beach instead of in the water. 

1st time spending all day on the river.  She had a blast!